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크리시 페인

크리시 페인

제목:Lower School Reading Specialist
학위:B.A., Elementary Education, Towson University
M.A., Reading Education, Towson University

Gilman에 합류하기 전에 Chrissy Payne은 볼티모어 카운티 공립학교의 4학년 교사였습니다. 그녀는 2002년부터 가르치고 있습니다.


왜 Gilman에서 가르치는 것을 좋아합니까?
I enjoy the energy and level of enthusiasm the boys bring each day to school. Every day is a new day!

선생님이 되도록 영감을 준 것은 무엇입니까?
All the great teachers and coaches I had from elementary school all the way through high school inspired me to become a teacher.

사람들은 모를 수도 있습니다...
I was a lacrosse goalie who once held a state record for the most saves in a state championship game.